Reader: Rok Kunaver

Directed by: Alen Jelen

Duration: 7 ur in 8 min.

Format: Digitalno

Code: 118883

EAN: 3838898118883

ZKP RTV Slovenia in cooperation with Radio Slovenia and Mladinska knjiga is publishing an audio book by David Zupančič a doctor, writer and author of the popular podcast Umetnost Lenarjenja (The Art of Lazing) entitled Znanost mirnega življenja (The Science of Peaceful Living). The book is about finding peace in the hectic everyday life based on the author's own experiences and challenges but with a strong scientific basis as the advice is supported by citations from more than 70 peer-reviewed studies. The audio book is interpreted by actor Rok Kunaver and directed by Alen Jelen. "In the course of writing David becomes the reader's unobtrusive friend or guide weaving together the threads of the personal, the expert and the universal, infused with a good measure of humour, into a convincing and trustworthy whole," wrote Prof. Dr Borut Škodlar in the accompanying text.


No. Title Duration Listen sample
1 Namesto uvoda 18:45
2 O spremembah 12:24
3 Patologija sreče 22:00
4 Globok vdih za sivo substanco 22:45
5 Pozoronost in zvezde na nebu 18:13
6 Neskončen potencial zgodb v naši glavi 17:38
7 Človek brez znanja in morale 23:03
8 Uvid namena in učinka 18:08
9 Smisel mentalnega fitnesa 23:08
10 Lepote in pasti vizualizacije 21:02
11 Sam svoj prijatelj 38:40
12 Velikih pet 54:12
13 Spati in obstati 25:13
14 Čez napetost do miline 21:32
15 Skriti zakladi lenarjenja 25:04
16 Mala šola počivanja 16:16
17 Človek do ljudi 31:45
18 Zahvala 3:15
19 Spremna beseda 14:23